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Life Career Package offers free access to millions of vacancies from thousands of company websites, recruitment agencies and job boards globally.LIFE is a unique powerful resource specifically designed to help YOU to realize the career that you want! LIFE is an efficient, easy to use tool that provides you with the guidance and know-how that you need to get ahead, with simple and straightforward guides to Education and Employment in all of the most competitive professions arranged by sector for speed and ease of use.
LIFE users can navigate throughout the application and view any subject area within 3 clicks. LIFE also includes a topic-specific search engine, and colour coded tutorials precisely designed to assist you.
After LIFE users have viewed the career of their choice, LIFE users should then use the external websites provided internally to help them with their career development. LIFE was designed specifically to make YOU think independently about your employability skills or for users interested in starting their own business!
Whether you are trying to book your first driving test, secure a dream job or just starting out on the road to becoming a fully qualified, chartered professional, LIFE is an invaluable tool.